
The Research Excellence Framework (REF) is a process of expert review, and institutions will be invited to make submissions into units of assessment (UoAs). The submissions are assessed by an expert sub-panel for each UoA, working under the guidance of four main panels. 

The assessment panels will be supported by advisory panels who will provide expert guidance in their respective areas.  

The four UK funding bodies will appoint the members of the REF panels.  

We’ll update this page with details of the panels and when we’re recruiting.  

Main panels

The main panels provide leadership and guidance to a group of sub-panels. They oversee the assessment, ensuring the assessment criteria and standards are consistently applied. They are responsible for signing-off the results recommended by the sub-panels. 

Composition of the main panels

The four main panels are:

  • Main panel A: Medicine, Health and Life Sciences 
  • Main panel B: Physical Sciences, Engineering and Mathematics 
  • Main panel C: Social Sciences 
  • Main panel D: Arts and Humanities 

Each main panel is made up of:

  • the chair
  • the deputy chair
  • the chairs of each sub-panel under its remit
  • additional members (including individuals with interdisciplinary expertise, with international expertise, and with expertise in the use, application, and wider benefits of research)

Applications for the main panel chair roles have now closed. We will announce on the website when the next stage of panel recruitment opens.

Units of assessments (UoAs)

Submissions to the REF are made in 34 units of assessment, (UoA). In REF 2029 we are retaining the REF 2021 UoA structure with four main panels and 34 sub-panels, one for each UoA.

PCE pilot panels

Applications for the PCE pilot panels have now closed.  

REF 2029 advisory panels

REF 2029 will deliver an expanded definition of research excellence, recognising the wide range of research, roles, and people that are essential to the vitality of the UK’s vibrant research system. Two advisory panels will help us in delivering these aims and you can now apply to be part of them.  

We recognise that the work of the panels will overlap in places, as matters concerning the diversity of people and the diversity of research are strongly interlinked. The panels will work together where there is benefit in doing so. 

Applications for these panels have now closed.

People and Diversity Advisory Panel

Research Diversity Advisory Panel