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Announcement of participating institutions in the People, Culture and Environment pilot exercise

We are pleased to confirm the institutions taking part in the People, Culture and Environment (PCE) pilot exercise. We’ve included institutions from across the whole of the UK and that give us a broad range of different:  

  • submission sizes
  • breadth of provision
  • experience of participation in previous REF exercises 

We had originally intended to include 30 institutions in the pilot, but we’ve now decided to include 40 to widen the opportunities for participation in the exercise and, where possible, reduce the burden for participating HEIs.  

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the institutions who took the time to express their interest in joining the pilot. 

Further opportunities to engage with PCE policy development 

There are further opportunities to engage with the development of PCE for REF 2029. The PCE indicators project has recently launched this survey which is open to all with an interest in the assessment of PCE in REF. In addition, when the pilot assessment is underway next year, the PCE indicators project team will deliver engagement activities to gather input on the developing indicators from the wider sector.