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Membership confirmed for REF advisory panels 

Today the REF Team have announced the membership of the Research Diversity Advisory Panel (RDAP) and the People and Diversity Advisory Panel (PDAP). 

The RDAP will develop strategies to support the equitable recognition of diverse forms of research within REF 2029 development, delivery and assessment.  The PDAP will develop strategies to support recognition of a diversity of roles, careers and career stages within REF 2029 development, delivery, and assessment and to advance equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) throughout REF 2029. 

Both panels will advise the REF Steering Group on the development and delivery of the exercise, acting as critical friends; advise on the development of REF 2029 assessment criteria and the delivery of the assessment; and contribute to the REF 2029 assessment process.  

Matters concerning the diversity of people and the diversity of research are strongly interlinked so at times the two panels will work together. 

REF 2029 will deliver an expanded definition of research excellence, recognising the wide range of research, roles and people that are essential to the vitality of the UK’s vibrant research system.

Rebecca Fairbairn, REF Director, said: “Each REF exercise is an evolution from the last, and REF advisory panels play an important part in that. Our new advisory panels will embed knowledge and expertise on the diversity of people, approaches to, and forms of research that are essential to the vitality of the UK’s research base.  We are delighted to have been able to build panels full of people with the skills and experience needed to shape our criteria-setting and assessment processes from all four nations and from a variety of institutions.  Thanks so much to all who applied, we had a strong field with many more appointable applicants.”

Professor Alis Oancea 

Chair of the REF 2029 Research Diversity Advisory Panel (RDAP) 

Alis Oancea is Professor of Philosophy of Education and Research Policy and Social Sciences Division Advocate for Responsible Engagement, Impact and Innovation at the University of Oxford. Alis specialises in meta-research, in particular studies of research practice, policy and governance, and philosophy of research. Contributions to the integration and development of the field of meta-research include the collaborative production of the Handbook of Meta-Research (2024). Among many other roles and projects, she led an international research-on-research project , and co-leads the Responsible Knowledge Exchange, Engagement and Impact project. 

“Over more than two decades of involvement in research on research, I have had the opportunity to reflect carefully and systematically on research and administrative evidence from different contexts and rounds of assessment. Supporting and recognising diverse research practices, outputs and impacts, and the cultures and environments that sustain them, is an important component of responsible research assessment.  

“I am very appreciative of the opportunity that the Research Diversity Advisory Panel offers to mobilise experience and knowledge from different research domains and contexts across the UK in the service of the broad communities that are engaged in and with research, or otherwise influenced by, the REF. The panel will review evidence, discuss, and consult more widely to advise on the development of criteria and methods for recognising and tracking research diversity and on working practices that engage responsibly with research diversity throughout REF 2029.” 

Professor Simon Macklin 

Chair of the REF 2029 People and Diversity Advisory Panel (PDAP)

With 25 years of experience in diversity and inclusion across three countries, Simon has held a variety of senior roles in higher education, most recently as Deputy Vice-Chancellor at the University for the Creative Arts. Throughout his career, Simon has spearheaded strategic initiatives that have significantly enhanced institutional performance and student success. Simon is deeply committed to fostering inclusive environments and is excited to lead the REF 2029 People and Diversity Advisory Panel, where his passion for diversity and excellence will support recognising the research, roles, and people that are essential to the strength of the UK’s global research standing. 

“It is an honour to be appointed chair of the REF 2029 People and Diversity Advisory Panel as we work toward a more inclusive research community. Guiding the panel in its ambition to challenge barriers and expand the definition of research excellence, recognising the diverse people, roles, and careers that contribute to the UK’s vibrant research system, is both a privilege and a significant responsibility. I look forward to engaging in wide discussions across our research community and collaborating with a panel that brings tremendous lived and learned experiences to achieve these meaningful impacts.

The REF’s expanded definition of research excellence, recognising the contributions of a wide range of roles and careers, aligns closely with my professional goals and values. I have seen first-hand how diverse teams contribute to more innovative and impactful research outcomes, and I am passionate about creating environments where every individual can thrive.”

Full membership of the Research Diversity Advisory Panel (RDAP) 


Professor Alis Oancea, Professor of Philosophy of Education and Research Policy, University of Oxford

Deputy chairs

Professor Dana Arnold, Professor of Architecture, Manchester Metropolitan University

Professor Fiona Matthews, Pro-vice Chancellor Research and Enterprise, University of Hull

Panel members

Professor Siddhartha Bandyopadhyay, Professor of Economics, University of Birmingham

Dr Julie Bayley, Director of Research Impact and Culture, Northeastern University London

Professor Neil Chue Hong, Professor of Research Software Policy and Practice, University of Edinburgh

Professor Mark d’Inverno, Emeritus Professor of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Goldsmiths, University of London

Professor Abigail Marks, Associate Dean Research and Professor of the Future of Work, Newcastle University

Professor Hugh McKenna, Professor Emeritus of Nursing, Ulster University

Professor Sara Perry, Associate Professor in Digital Public Archaeology, University College London

Professor Matthew Taunton, Professor of Modern Literature, University of East Anglia

Professor Debbie Tolson, Alzheimer Scotland Professor of Dementia, University of the West of Scotland

Full membership of the People Diversity Advisory Panel (PDAP) 


Professor Simon Macklin, previously Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University for the Creative Arts

Deputy chairs

Professor Lynn Ang, Pro-Director and Vice-Dean Research, University College London

Dr Kelly Vere, University Director of Technical Strategy, University of Nottingham

Panel members

Professor Arinola Adefila, Professor of Social Policy and EDI, Buckinghamshire New University

Ms Helen Curtis, School Manager, Medical School, University of Bristol

Mr Paul Davidson, Director of People and Culture, University of Ulster

Professor Doris Ruth Eikhof, Professor of Cultural Economy & Policy, University of Glasgow

Professor Toni Haastrup, Chair and Professor in Global Politics, University of Manchester

Dr Cosimo Inserra, Associate Dean for Equality Diversity and Inclusivity, Cardiff University / Prifysgol Caerdydd

Professor Tyler Kelly, Professor of Pure Mathematics, University of Birmingham

Dr Adam Vasco, Director of Diversity and Inclusion, University of Wolverhampton