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REF 2029 Research Diversity Advisory Panel

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Applications for the REF 2029 Research Diversity Advisory Panel have now closed.

REF 2029 will deliver an expanded definition of research excellence, recognising the wide range of research, roles, and people that are essential to the vitality of the UK’s vibrant research system.

Purpose of the panel

The Research Diversity Advisory Panel (RDAP), along with the People and Diversity Advisory Panel, will:  

  • advise the REF Steering Group on issues of diversity of research in the development and delivery of the exercise, acting as critical friends. 
  • advise on the development of REF 2029 assessment criteria and the delivery of assessment on matters relating to diversity of research. 
  • contribute to the REF 2029 assessment process. 

The RDAP will develop strategies to support the equitable recognition of diverse forms of research within REF 2029 development, delivery and assessment.  

We recognise that the work of the Research Diversity Advisory Panel will overlap, in places, with the work of the People and Diversity Advisory Panel, as matters concerning the diversity of research and the diversity of people are strongly interlinked. The two panels will work together where there is benefit in doing so. 

It will not be possible for advisory panel members to act as full REF panel members as there will be periods where deliverables will be due concurrently and where advisory panel members will be required to provide objective advice and contribution to criteria development and assessment. 

Terms of reference for RDAP panel members

Details of the panel

We will appoint ten core panel members, with a range of specialisms relevant to the panel responsibilities. The panel will consist of:  

  • one chair  
  • two deputy chairs 
  • seven general panel members  

In terms of time commitment, we estimate an advisory panel member will need to commit to approximately 40 to 60 days of time over the course of the exercise. This will depend on the panel and your role in it. The concentration of time commitment will vary over the course of the REF; we expect this to split into one third of the time commitment for the criteria setting, and two thirds for the assessment phase.   

The advisory panels will need effective chairing, so we are also seeking applications for panel chairs and deputy chairs. Chairs and deputy chairs will be involved in the selection of the panel members and in steering the panels through their assessment.  There is a section on the application form for you to indicate whether you want to be considered for the role of panel chair or deputy.   

Panel honoraria will be paid at the following fixed rates and will apply across the whole duration of the REF. 

RDAP panel member: £7,000 total 

  • criteria setting phase: £2,300 
  • assessment phase: £4,700 

RDAP deputy chair: £8,500 total 

  • criteria setting phase: £2,850 
  • assessment phase: £5,650 

RDAP chair: £13,000 total

  • criteria setting phase: £4,300 
  • assessment phase: £8,700 

Apply to join the panel

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Applications for the REF 2029 Research Diversity Advisory Panel have now closed.

We are looking to include people from academic, professional and technical roles.  We particularly encourage applications from diverse groups. We welcome lived and learned experiences relevant to the aims of the panels. We also welcome applications from those committed to the broad notion of diversity in research, as essential to the fundamental purpose of the panel. 

We estimate that:  

  • interviews for the chair role will be conducted during the week commencing 8 July 2024 
  • deputy chairs will be appointed around the beginning of August 2024 
  • the full RDAP will be appointed week commencing 19 August 2024 
  • a panel initiation meeting will take place week commencing the 26 August 2024 

Please note that these dates are estimations and may vary. 

As a reminder, if you are appointed to an advisory panel you will not be able to act as a full REF panel member.  

You will need to complete the application form in one go. Here is summary of the questions so you can prepare your answers along with the details of the criteria we will use for selection. On the form, you will also be able to indicate whether you want to apply to be a chair or deputy chair.  

In the application form you will be asked to outline the following areas with a maximum of 400 words for each section.  

  1. Your knowledge and understanding relevant to the role 
  • Leading knowledge and understanding concerning diversity of research, defined as follows (more information can be found in the panel terms of reference). 
    • Diverse research practices (for example, interdisciplinary research, practice research, meta-analysis, replication studies).
    • Diverse output formats (for example, practice research outputs, audio and video content, longform outputs, scholarly editions, software, datasets, and artefacts).
    • Diverse impact types and formats (for example, engagement, interdisciplinary impact, civic and regional impact).
  • A clear and comprehensive understanding of UK research assessment and its position in the wider research landscape, across the diversity of the sector. 
  1. Your experience relevant to the role 
  • Experience of influencing policy and/or research assessment at a national or international level. 
  • Experience of leading significant activity to improve diversity of research (as defined for this role). 
  1. Your skills relevant to the role 
  • Experience of working with a collaborative, responsive and constructive approach balancing the needs of different stakeholders. 
  • Experience in the critical assessment of complex subject matter and the delivery of simple and clear solutions. 
  1. Your motivations for applying for the role 
  • Committed to the aims of the panel in the successful delivery of REF 2029. 

If you choose to be considered for a chair or deputy role you will have to outline the following.

  1. Your leadership experience relevant to the role 
  • Experience of chairing prominent groups of a similar nature, both in-person and online.
  • Experience of and skills in leading inclusive panel meetings.

Applications for the REF 2029 Research Diversity Advisory Panel have now closed.  

Please email info@ref.ac.uk for further information using the subject ‘Advisory panel recruitment’.