REF 2029 Research Diversity Advisory Panel (RDAP) – Terms of reference  


RDAP will focus on matters concerning diversity of research. In this context this is defined as: 

  • Diverse research practices (for example, IDR, practice research, meta-analysis, replication studies).
  • Diverse output formats (for example, practice research outputs, audio and video content, scholarly editions, software, datasets, and artefacts).
  • Diverse impact types and formats (e.g., engagement, interdisciplinary impact, civic and regional impact).


  • Advise the REF Steering Group on embedding consideration of diversity of research throughout the exercise. 
  • Advise on the development and delivery of inclusive REF 2029 assessment criteria. 
  • Contribute to the REF 2029 assessment process. 
  • Maintain an ongoing assessment of diversity of research considerations within REF 2029 and produce a publishable report on this, at the end of the process. 
  • Advise on full REF panel recruitment processes. 
  • Contribute to full REF panel training and ways of working. 
  • Recommend and oversee delivery of further tasks as deemed necessary to fulfil the panel’s remit. 

Panel roles

  • Panel chair: Leads the panel and holds final decision-making power on advice offered by RDAP, to the REF Steering Group. The chair will undertake an ambassadorial role to embed and promote the measures taken to support the diversity of research in the REF. The chair will play a key role in recruiting subsequent REF panels roles. 
  • Deputy chairs: Two deputy chairs will be appointed alongside the chair to provide support and supplement the chair’s responsibilities. Along with the chair, the deputies will form the panel leadership. 
  • Panel members: Seven panel members will represent a diverse range of expertise and experience in matters relevant to diversity of research, across the UK research and innovation sector. We would anticipate these will include:  
    • Individuals for whom the diversity of research is part of their primary professional focus. This includes people working in the research and innovation sector, as well as expertise from other sectors and industry. 
    • University leaders with expertise and experiences focused on diversity of research. 
    • A range of roles such as technicians, research managers, early career researchers or clinical researchers with leading expertise and knowledge concerning the diversity of research. 
  • Secretariat: A member of the REF Team will provide secretariat support for the panel. 
  • Additional members: The group may co-opt additional members or focused sub-groups for specific tasks or areas of expertise as needed and with approval from the REF Steering Group. 

Ways of working

  • RDAP will establish their preferred ways of working within the parameters set out. 
  • It is anticipated that meetings will primarily be held virtually to facilitate efficient communication, accessibility, and use of resource. Some face-to-face meetings may be organised periodically to support group cohesion and relationships. 
  • The frequency of meetings will vary dependent upon the point in the REF cycle. However, it is anticipated that RDAP will meet approximately quarterly at peak points, with one in-person meeting per year.  
  • RDAP may be asked occasionally to work to short deadlines in peak periods.  
  • RDAP may establish sub-working group which may meet more frequently and work by correspondence, between meetings.  
  • RDAP may make requests to the REF Steering Group, to co-opt additional expertise into the panel, for time-limited periods, on specific tasks. 
  • RDAP will work with the People and Diversity Advisory Panel (PDAP) to scope and collaborate on areas of overlapping interest. 

Reporting and accountability

  • RDAP will report to the REF Steering Group, submitting written reports and providing oral updates at key points in the REF cycle. 
  • Working with the REF team and the REF Steering Group, RDAP will publish reports on their work to support transparency. 
  • RDAP members will be recruited as individuals and therefore may not send others in their place to deputise. 
  • All panel members will be required to conduct themselves in line with the Seven Principles of Public Life.


  • The chair will make final recommendations to the REF Steering Group, on the panel’s advice and activity. The chair will base those recommendations on the balanced view of the panel, deputies and members, and their own perspective. 
  • Members are encouraged to offer open and diverse perspectives to inform the chair’s decision-making process. 
  • The REF Steering Group will hold the final decision on recommendations made by the panel. 

Conflicts of interest

  • The panel will declare any conflicts of interest from the outset. This includes.  
    • Direct employment with any organisation involved in the exercise.  
    • Direct benefit from any panel activities or recommendation – either financially or professionally. 
  • Conflicts of interest will be managed on a case-by-case basis throughout appointment. 


All panel members will be paid an honorarium for the role. Payment will be made for the two distinct phases of the REF. 

RDAP member: £7,000 total

  • criteria setting phase: £2,300 
  • assessment phase: £4,700 

RDAP deputy chair: £8,500 total 

  • criteria setting phase: £2,850 
  • assessment phase: £5,650 

RDAP chair: £13,000 total 

  • criteria setting phase: £4,300 
  • assessment phase: £8,700 

Total panel honoraria apply across the whole duration of the REF. We estimate an advisory panel member will need to commit to approximately 40 to 60 days of time over the course of the exercise. This will depend on the panel and your role in it. The concentration of time commitment will vary over the course of the REF; we expect this to split into one third for the criteria setting, and two thirds for the assessment phase.